Tutorial video:
Start with a Bio Link created for you Automatically
Artist Bio Links are created for you automatically when you create your artist account or an artist folder and include at least your Spotify Artist Profile URL. Once you start, you can easily edit and customize your Bio Link. One Bio Link is available per artist.
1. Start editing your bio link
Start by clicking on the pencil in the upper right hand corner of your artist dashboard.
If you are a Marketer, you can edit the bio link for each of your artists on your “Artists” page as well as on the artist left as seen above.
2. Select a sub domain
Select a for your link if you have one (Pro Artist & Up) and edit your short URL. We’ll let you know if the short URL you have chosen is already taken.
3. Add your avatar image
Edit the title and description to your liking. To add an image to the background, click on "image". (Tip: Stand out by using a .GIF or .mp4 for your background or avatar- other accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg)
4. Add your links
We offer three link types on Bio Links- Email, Action, & Simple.
- Email Link: No URL needed, just edit the link to your liking! All emails received will be funneled into your Bio Link insights.
You'll also have the option of choose "card" or "base" layouts for your email links. Change the layout by clicking on the drop down arrow. You can also change the background color of your subscribe button. Edit your descriptions. Call to Actions are highly recommended here! (Examples: "Subscribe", "Play", "Buy", etc.)
- Simple Link: Populate this with any URL.
- Feature.fm Smart Link: Take any of your feature.fm smart links and insert them! Link your ffm Smart Links, Pre Saves, & Action pages. Highlight a new album or direct users to your Pre Save.
- Action Link: The actions we support on this type of link will allow your fans to Add your music to their Apple Library, Follow you on Spotify or Subscribe to your YouTube channel. You can select one of these services on an Action Link by clicking on the drop down arrow. Edit your CTA description to whatever you'd like! We suggest using CTAs such as "Watch", "Follow", "Subscribe" etc.
Easily switch the order of your links by clicking and dragging the
symbol on the left of each link.
- Embed Links: We support embedding videos from YouTube and music from Spotify and Soundcloud. No code is needed- all you need is the URL and feature.fm will do the rest.
5. Get Social!
Display your social icons at the bottoms of your links by click on the toggle switch under the "Social Icons" tab.
6. Edit your social cards.
Customize how your Bio Link link will appear on socials like Facebook or Twitter when being shared/posted. Add either an image or a gif! Edit your title and description.
7. Plug in your Advanced Settings.
Add your Retargeting Pixels, Affiliate Codes, etc in the "Advanced" settings tab on the left.
8. You can finally start sharing your link!
Copy your Bio Link by clicking the symbol below. You're ready to start sharing! Learn more about sharing your link here.