Enable Routing Rules on Pre-Save and Released Links

What are routing rules?

Routing Rules set logic on your landing pages to redirect fans according to designated criteria.

As long as a retargeting pixel is installed on the page you can collect all Feature.fm custom events, including FeatureFM_click, utilizing these routing rules. 

How do I enable routing rules?

You can enable Routing Rules on the Link Settings tab when editing any Pre-Save or Released Music link. RoutingRules.gif


Send returning visitors to their preferred service

If a fan has previously taken an action or clicked through to a music service on one of your landing pages, this routing rule will auto-redirect the fan to their preferred service - effectively bypassing the landing page. 


  • Maximize conversions by removing a step from the fan journey


  • Fan may have changed their preferred music service

Enable conditional routing rules

If a fan accesses the landing page on a particular device type or through a particular channel, this routing rule allows you to designate which music service they will auto-redirect to. 


If a fan clicks the smart link URL from YouTube, you can set this rule to auto-direct that fan to YouTube or YouTube Music to stream or pre-save. 


  • Maximize conversions by removing a step from the fan journey


  • Fan may not have an account on the designated music service
  • This routing rule cannot be used in tandem with the other rules, as it will take priority over the others

Enable idle timeout redirection

If a fan visits the landing page but doesn't take any action, this routing rule allows you to auto-redirect them to a designated music service if the page remains open.


  • Maximize conversions by forcing a redirect to a music service


  • Fan may not have an account on the designated music service
  • Fan may not engage with the music if they are no longer active on the page or device